- Seeking and selecting highly qualified manage- • ment personnel and specialists in the finance, human resources and sales area in cross-indust- • ry operations and organizations.
- Analysing requirements situations with strategic • and operative personnel planning.
- Particularly discriminating recruitment of mana- • gement personnel in the upper cadre such as CFO, heads of administration/finance, HR ma- • nagers, and specialists in the ERP environment (e.g. SAP).
Urs Lehmann
Human resources and management consultant:- Finance
- Human Resources

- Advising companies, management and skilled personnel with reference to the planning of stra- • tegic projects particularly in the ERP environment
(e.g. SAP projects)
- Coaching during the implementation phase
- Evaluation/procurement of software in the finan- cial area and introduction of the selected pro- ducts in various enterprises
- Building up start-up companies
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Troubleshooting
- Corporate consulting in finances and controlling
- Head of finances at a major American trading company, Switzerland branch office
- European controller at a leading US software company
- ERP implementations
- Deputy CEO of a software company with an international clientele and branch office in California
- International head of administration at an inter- nationally active company in precision engineering
- Financial, human resources and sales positions at various companies
- Business studies graduate
- Working languages German, French, English